Even though summer is over and winter is here, the cold weather shouldn’t stop you from entertaining and enjoying your backyard. The holiday gatherings is different this year, but we still love our family and friends over to enjoy our new home. To be with the people we love we are taking our gatherings outside! I have some tips to make your socially distanced outdoor space entertaining this winter and all through the year.

Outdoor furniture is an extension of our home and allows our guests to relax outside in our backyard. Look for an area in your backyard with a lot of room for the furniture you have in mind. Start to look for weather-resistant furniture within your budget. My personal favorite is teak. Teak furniture, for many reasons, has long been on my list for outdoor entertaining. Teak is extremely weather-resistant, which is why it’s perfect for all outdoors. We got our chic and comfortable teak furniture from one of my favorite stores, Bed Bath and Beyond. They are one of my favorite stores to shop for outdoor decor. We got two Teak 3-Seat Sofa, two Teak patio armchairs, and a Teak coffee table for our outdoor space.

What kind of space do you want to heat? Here are a few options to keep your guests warm. Outdoor patio heaters are very common and are always in high demand during the cold seasons. They are easy to move around and can fit in most spaces. Fire pits are another way to stay toasty. We are still looking into a gas or wood-burning one. Having a fire pit is more comfortable and convenient when it’s cold outside since it can warm anybody sitting around the unit.
Soft and thick throw blankets are a must-have for coziness. I like to add at least a couple of thick blankets for guests to snag at any time they feel a little chilly. It is nice to add the blankets in a big basket and placing them next to one of the sofas.

There are a few extra decorations I added to spruce up the lounge area. I added a waterproof rug in the middle of the space to add more texture to the ground. The rug I choose complements the teak furniture we have in place and will be great for hosting all year long. Place some accent pillows on the chairs that will add pops of color and contrast. A cute Christmas tree pillow also adds to the festive mood.

The Christmas holiday is coming close. Choose some festive decor to dress up the tables. I placed a couple of adorable holiday raindeers and some bottle brush Christmas trees in the middle of our coffee table. Get some real or artificial plants to display on the tables or to in large pots to place around the seating area. This will add some great color to tie in with the furniture. Nice warm lighting changes the ambiance of any outdoor area. Place some string lights around the space where most of the hosting will take place. Add more light with large candles or lanterns.

Outdoor entertaining is happening more than ever these days, and planning is important. These tips will help make your outdoor hosting space more functional, comfortable, and safer as the months get colder. Staying home is the only way we can all stay safe and also have some holiday fun at the same time.
Leave a comment below your favorite part about hosting in your backyard?